
Review: Rom #19

Rom #19 cover
Cover by Michael Golden

Rom #19
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, June 1981

Title: “Limbo!”
Synopsis: Banished to Limbo by his Neutralizer, Rom discovers another trapped spaceknight and faces off with Space Phantom.

Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Sal Buscema

Review: Rom’s run-in with the Space Phantom further connects the licensed hero with the mainstream Marvel Universe. But this is basically a Phantom Zone story, relocated to Marvel and driven by the villain’s wonky, confusing powers. It takes writer Bill Mantlo multiple attempts to explain said powers, never a good sign. 


Title: “The Saga of the Spaceknights!”
Synopsis: The heroes of Galador attempt to liberate a medieval planet from Dire Wraith manipulations, but one spaceknight goes too far. 

Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Sal Buscema

Review: This odd little tale dabbles with deeper themes, but is ultimately undermined by subpar world-building and painful alliteration. 

Grade (for the entire issue): B-

Cool factor: Let’s go with the Michael Golden cover. It isn’t one of his best on Rom and it’s still pretty darn good!

Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 20p British variant of this issue. 

Character quotable: “You are many, but you are Wraiths – while I am Rom, greatest of the spaceknights!” – Rom, feeling pretty confident

Editor’s note: This review was written June 23, 2024.

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