Captain America Annual #2
Published and © by Marvel, January 1972
Title: “The Sleeper Shall Awake!”
Synopsis: Captain America races against time to stop the Red Skull’s powerful “sleeper” robots two decades after World War II.
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist (layouts): Jack Kirby
Artist: George Tuska
Review: This lead tale reprints a Silver Age three-parter from Tales of Suspense #72-74. Stan Lee’s story about a reemerging Nazi threat does a great job of escalating tension – until it doesn’t. Instead, the climax is haphazardly executed in a single page. Jack Kirby and George Tuska’s styles pair surprisingly well.
Title: “The Revengers vs. Charlie America!”
Synopsis: The comical Revengers fish a frozen Charlie America from the sea; conflict and mirth ensue.
Writer: Roy Thomas
Artist: Gene Colan
Review: Marvel never nailed the Mad-humor formula, but Gene Colan delivers some fun cartooning. From 1967’s Not Brand Echh #5.
Grade (for the entire issue): B
Cool factor: Jack Kirby drawing Captain America fighting Nazis? That’s one of the OG’s of comic-book cool!
Not-so-cool factor: If the Nazis had unstoppable-robot technology during World War II, why did they wait 20 years to unleash it?
Collector’s note: This issue is also known as Captain America Special #2 and Captain America King-Size Special #2.
Character quotable: “There are three sleepers … and when they awake – the Third Reich will rise again!” – The Red Skull, true believer
Editor’s note: This review was written Jan. 8, 2025.