Monsters on the Prowl #29
Published and © by Marvel, August 1974
Title: “A Monster at my Window!”
Synopsis: A hard-working science-fiction writer is pursued by an alien invader – but not all is as it seems.
Writer (plot): Stan Lee
Writer (script): Larry Lieber
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers
Review: It was common practice in early horror comics for stories to end with a twist. But this Stan-Lee-plotted gem, reprinted from 1962’s Tales to Astonish #34, manages to offer a genuine surprise. The art throughout this issue is excellent, with Jack “King” Kirby leading the way here.
Title: “A Monster Among Us”
Synopsis: A surly fishing captain sets sail to disprove a local legend about a sea monster. That doesn’t go well.
Writer: Uncredited
Artist: Joe Sinnott
Review: This by-the-book horror short from 1952’s Mystic #8 offers solid art from legendary Marvel inker Joe Sinnott.
Title: “The Spy”
Synopsis: An alien spy returns from a deep-cover mission on Earth to share important information – with explosive results.
Writer: Uncredited
Artist: Bill Walton
Review: This run-of-the-mill sci-fi story from 1956’s World of Suspense #3 features delicate line work from lesser-known artist Bill Walton.
Title: “The Joker!”
Synopsis: A practical joker shrugs off his victims’ plan for payback – but alien abductors get the last laugh.
Writer: Stan Lee
Artist: Steve Ditko
Review: This silly story from 1961’s Amazing Adventures #5 is this issue’s weakest tale, but Steve Ditko’s art is excellent.
Grade (for the entire issue): B
Cool factor: While it’s a different Joker, this issue makes it clear that prime Steve Ditko would have been a perfect fit for the Clown Prince of Crime.
Collector’s note: According to, there is a Mark Jewelers variant of this issue.
Editor’s note: This review was written Jan. 29, 2025.