The New Teen Titans #40
Published and © by DC, March 1984
Title: “Lifeblood!”
Synopsis: Brother Blood returns to best the Titans in battle – and in the court of public opinion.
Writers (co-plotters): Marv Wolfman and George Pérez
Writer (script): Wolfman
Penciler: Pérez
Inker: Romeo Tanghal
Review: The biggest challenge with this issue is suspension of disbelief. Sans mind-control powers, how does Brother Blood – a foreign national dressed in the accoutrement of a frightening cult –bring the American public under his sway? And how does an undercover Dick Grayson avoid the routine the background checks that would be required to go globe hopping with sitting members on Congress? If readers can set aside a need to have such questions answered, this outing provides a fine set up for another entertaining Titans adventure, one featuring typically excellent art from George Pérez.
Grade: B+
Cool factor: Brother Blood is a tantalizing mix of interesting character …
Not-so-cool factor: … and the generic cult tropes popular at that time.
Notable: Becomes Tales of the Teen Titans with #41. … The “Titans’ Tower” letters page includes an LoC from future Back Issue editor Michael Eury.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 95¢ Canadian variant of this issue. … According to, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.
Character quotable: “He has come. He is here. He is home. He is life!” – The followers of Brother Blood
Editor’s note: This review was written March 12, 2025.