Following a several-year absence, award-winning journalism educator T. Andrew Wahl is returning – via Zoom – to teach at the Washington Journalism Education Association’s Summer J-Camp Aug. 1-4. He'll be heading up the Journalistic Storytelling track.
READOver the past eight years, comics-studies scholar T. Andrew Wahl traveled more than 10,000 miles talking about comic books, superheroes and U.S. history as part of the Humanities Washington Speakers Bureau. But his current talk – “Comic-Book Reality: Superheroes and the Power of Representation” – closes its run in a virtual space with three free Zoom presentations this month.
READEducator T. Andrew Wahl’s popular comics-studies class is being offered again by Everett Community College. Registration for the five-credit, online course is open now, with the class set to start July 6.
READAdditional material mined from the OtWP Comics Studies Library has been added to several reviews.
READReaders can look forward to a new review of an old comic book every weekday. The goal: To revisit and review every superhero, sci-fi and fantasy comic published during the medium’s Bronze Age, a period lasting from 1970 to 1985.
READThe granddaughter of Captain America co-creator Joe Simon talks about children's need for superheroes during the time of COVID. [From The New York Times]
READEvCC students take home 21 awards from annual PNAJE awards competition. [From Everett Community College]
READThe SPLC talks to T. Andrew Wahl and other advisers about COVID's impact on student news organizations. [From the Student Press Law Center]
READNonprofit television organization TVW broadcasts Wahl's 2019 presentation on comic books and reality at the Tumwater Timberland Library. [From TVW]
READOff-the-Page Perspective: Expert Talks ‘Four-Color Reality’ and the Impact of Comic Books in America
T. Andrew Wahl talks comic books, history and the power of representation with journalist Luciano Marano. [From the Bainbridge Island Review]