
Review: Ironjaw #2

Ironjaw saves a wench, becomes a sword for hire, threatens to rape his own sister, then becomes king. Whew. A surprisingly misogynistic outing – even for the ’70s – from the team of Michael Fleisher and Pablos Marcos.


Review: Ironjaw #1

Ironjaw saves a wench – to use for his own “companionship” – but the duo falls prey to betrayal and royal intrigue. Despite its preponderance of barbarian clichés and over-the-top sexist dialogue, this relic of the ’70s is still strangely enjoyable. Michael Fleisher, Mike Sekowsky and Jack Abel are to blame.


Review: Ms. Mystic #1

The Science Investigation Agency accidentally opens an interdimensional rift, gaining a powerful ally who can help them protect the environment. Neal Adams’ ham-handed environmental message mars a dynamic return to interior pencil work.


Review: Silverheels #1

Silverheels flees the ’Pachee Compound – and the confines of Earth – by crashing the aliens’ Lawkeepers cadet program. This space opera from Bruce Jones and April Campbell shows promise, thanks largely to gorgeous art from a young Scott Hampton.


Review: Starslayer #1

Celtic warrior Torin Mac Quillon leaps into battle against invading Romans – and lands in the distant future! Warlord star Mike Grell creates another winner, this time for one of the first post-Bronze publishers, PC.


Review: Marvel Two-in-One #99

The Thing and Rom team to battle a coven of Dire Wraith witches and the reanimated armor of Firefall. A can’t-miss affair for fans of the spaceknight, from regular Rom writer Bill Mantlo and the surprisingly solid art team of Bob Hall and Kevin Dzuban.

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