When Darkseid resurrects Dark Phoenix, the X-Men and Teen Titans must join forces in an effort to save the universe. The best of the Big Two’s Bronze Age crossovers, from the A-list creative team of Chris Claremont, Walter Simonson and Terry Austin.
READSpider-Man and Captain Britain wake inside a giant pinball machine and soon must survive the deathtraps of Murder World. A fun Arcade outing with Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Dave Hunt.
READBritish exchange student Brian Braddock rooms with Peter Parker, meaning Captain Britain and Spider-Man have some things to figure out. A strong U.S. debut for the Captain – also featuring the first appearance of future X-Men foe Arcade – from the legendary creative team of Chris Claremont and John Byrne.
READMembers of the Justice League somehow get pulled to Earth-Prime, where they come to the aid of that world’s first superhero. Logic leaps and other story execution problems hinder this outing by Gerry Conway and fill-in artist George Tuska.
READThe entire might of the Justice League of America combines to stop a plot by their one-time sidekick and the villainous Key. The villains are the weak link to this tale written by Steve Englehart and drawn by longtime JLA penciler Dick Dillin.
READTrouble seeks out Adam Strange and the Justice League – both on Earth and 25 trillion miles away on Rann. A rather simple story from Cary Bates keeps this wedding issue from being something special, despite decent art from JLA regulars Dick Dillin and Frank McLaughlin.
READAs the heroes of three worlds come to blows, Red Tornado tries to free Earth-X from Nazi control. Overstuffed with characters, this story – from Len Wein, Dick Dillin and Dick Giordano - welcomes the Golden Age Quality superheroes to the Bronze Age DCU.
READA transmitter mix-up brings members of the JLA and JSA together with the Freedom Fighters to fight Nazis on Earth-X. The long-defunct Quality superheroes join the DCU in this team-up tale from Len Wein, Dick Dillin and Dick Giordano.
READRom ally – and potential love interest – Brandy Clark prepares to wed the Dire Wraith who secretly replaced her fiancé. This above-average issue from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema moves the series forward.
READRom is attacked by the Mad Thinker’s android while a backup tale sheds some light on an earlier spaceknight battle. A odd-and-uninspired pair of stories from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.