The main X-Men team has been imprisoned by Doctor Doom while an X-adjacent squad attempts to infiltrate Murderworld. This story is not Chris Claremont’s strongest but the new art team of Dave Cockrum and Joe Rubinstein are settling in.
READDrawn into conflict with Doctor Doom by Arcade, the X-Men call in reinforcements to rescue their loved ones. Dave Cockrum, the co-creator of the all-new, all-different X-men, returns for a second stint as penciler of Marvel’s favorite mutants.
READWhile working on a fishing trawler in Florida, Scott “Cyclops” Summers crosses paths with Man-Thing and the demon D’Spayre. The Uncanny X-Men get off to a slow start as life without John Byrne begins.
READSuperman and Flash get drawn into an alien civil war, and end up racing to the end of time. Martin Pasko’s central concept is a good one, and artist José Luis García-López is an underrated master. But this one ends up being less than the sum of its parts.
READBad science and other silliness undermine what should have been a promising superhero anthology. Only the Neal Adams cover and some above-average Batman art from Michael (Nasser) Netzer save this one from being a total stinker.
READA clone of Paul “Manhunter” Kirk calls together several DC big bads to form a Secret Society of Super-Villains. This debut issue from Gerry Conway, Pablo Marcos and Bob Smith is just interesting enough to bring readers back for more.
READIn the lead feature by Elliot S. Maggin and Mike Grell, Robin and Batgirl team to stop an invasion led by Benedict Arnold and Satan. Throw in a few reprints – including a Neal Adams Man-Bat story – and you’ve got a fine debut issue of The Batman Family.
READThe Shadow and his associates follow clues to thwart the robbery of worn-out currency making its way back to Washington, D.C. While perhaps not as strong as its reputation, this revival debut by Denny O’Neil and Michael W. Kaluta is certainly enjoyable.
READAfter battling War-Wolf, Deathlok tries returning to his pre-cyborg home and finds only rejection and despair. Creator Rich Buckler assumes scripting duties this time out but the whole thing seems a little off.
READDeathlok tries to rescue his best friend from the clutches of Maj. Simon Ryker, head of Project: Alpha-Mech. Doug Moench and Rich Buckler continue to push the envelope of mainstream comics fare with this strong second installment.