Separated during battle, two groups of X-Men each think the other dead; the larger group ends up convalescesing in the Savage Land. A superb transitional issue from the team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.
READThe X-Men struggle to free themselves from imprisonment, then must battle Magneto within the heart of an active volcano. Assured work from the classic creative team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.
READDouble-crossed by a cult, Vietnam veteran Gideon Cross must try to stop xenogenesis – the rebirth of the demon race! The story is a bit hard to warm up to, but the visual storytelling by Rich Buckler is a lot of fun.
READA second group of aliens stop Phoenix’s suicide attempt, turn him into the Protector and send him to battle a cyclops. A victim of the dreaded Atlas-(Seaboard)-last-issue revamp, this outing by the new creative team of Gary Friedrich and Ric Estrada is pretty much a bust.
READPhoenix tries to save a village from a yeti army controlled by Satan – who is actually an alien in disguise! The lead story by Gabriel Levy and Sal Amendola is a bit off, but a backup feature with nice art from Pat Broderick and Terry Austin brings up this issue’s average.
READAfter learning the alien threat still lives, Phoenix races to New York to stop the annihilation of the city. Heavy with Biblical allusions, this series, by artist Sal Amendola and new writer Gabriel Levy, still has potential.
READAn astronaut rescued in the Arctic by aliens flees when he discovers his saviors’ plan to obliterate humanity. While not all that original, Jeff Rovin and Sal Amendola’s Phoenix debut shows potential.
READKillraven and the Freeman encounter a strange, mute butterfly woman – but will she prove to be friend or foe? This incarnation of Amazing Adventures comes to a close with a strong outing from the signature Killraven creative team of Don McGregor and P. Craig Russell.
READAn astronaut mutated by cosmic radiation traps Killraven in a nightmarish version of the pre-Martian-Invasion past. The Dreaded Deadline Doom brings this solid fill-in issue from the team of Bill Mantlo, Keith Giffen and Al Milgrom.
READKillraven and the Freemen celebrate with new friends, sharing the story of Old Skull over a New Year’s feast. A catch-your-breath issue from the regular Killraven team of Don McGregor and P. Craig Russell, this time joined by veteran inker Jack Abel.