
Review: Marvel Team-Up #85

Can Spider-Man, Nick Fury, Black Widow and Shang-Chi keep Viper from crashing the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier into the Capitol Building? Chris Claremont, Sal Buscema and Steve Leialoha wrap up their four-part Marvel Team-Up arc with great skill.


Review: Marvel Team-Up #84

Shang-Chi joins the fray as Nick Fury, Spider-Man and Black Widow lead an assault against the compromised S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. The Marvel Team-Up super-spy saga reaches its penultimate chapter – and it’s another fine issue from the creative team of Chris Claremont, Sal Buscema and Steve Leialoha.


Review: Marvel Team-Up #83

Spider-Man rescues an amnesiac Black Widow from S.H.I.E.L.D., running afoul of Nick Fury – and Boomerang and the Silver Samurai, too! Though not quite as strong as the previous issue, this second chapter of the Marvel Team-Up super-spy saga by Chris Claremont, Sal Buscema and Steve Leialoha is still a great deal of fun.


Review: Amazing Adventures #21

With the help of the duplicitous Carmilla Frost, Killraven and his freeman escape – again – and battle their way to freedom. Writer Don McGregor joins Killraven’s rebellion but finds little support from the art team of Herb Trimpe and Yolande Pijcke.


Review: E-Man #5

A day at the beach gets complicated when E-Man crosses over to a dimension being threatened by a massive monster. Another strange-but-splendid outing from the team of Nicola Cuti and Joe Staton.

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