
Review: A Selection of Fictional Narratives by Dennis Fujitake

A Selection of Fictional Narratives by Dennis Fujitake cover (with adult content banner)

A Selection of Fictional Narratives by Dennis Fujitake
Published by Fantagraphics and © by Gary Groth and Dennis Fujitake, 1971

Title: “The Pearl”
Synopsis: A barbarian type named Skut fights some mutants, hooks up with a woman and seeks the Pearl Without Price.

Writer: Dennis Fujitake
Artist: Fujitake

Review: One of the earliest releases from future alternative-comics powerhouse Fantagraphics, this magazine-sized one-shot showcases two tales by popular fan artist Dennis Fujitake. His stylish B&W art is clearly inspired by Frank Frazetta and reminiscent of early Jeff Jones. The simple story is fun but indebted to popular fantasy tropes.


Title: “A Better Choice”
Synopsis: In a post-apocalyptic future, two men and one woman remain. The tension is obvious, but things take an unexpected turn.

Writer: Dennis Fujitake
Artist: Fujitake

Review: The art is a little rougher on this second story, but its narrative twists make this the stronger piece.

Grade (for the entire issue): A-

Cool factor: Two fun stories with above-average art in a very early Fantagraphics comic. Yeah. That’s pretty cool!

Notable: Also includes a frontispiece and inside-back-cover cartoon by Fujitake.

Character quotable: “I know neither of you want to share me, but we can settle it in a more civilized manner.” – The last woman on Earth

Editor’s note: This review was written March 3, 2024.

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