Adventure Comics #449
Published and © by DC, January-February 1977
Title: “The Menace of the Marine Marauder”
Synopsis: Aquaman must stop the Marine Marauder, a “lowly marine biologist” who uses air-breathing sea creatures to steal swine-flu vaccine.
Writer: Steve Skeates
Artist: Jim Aparo
Review: From the opening splash, it’s clear this outing is going to be a little silly. Both the lead feature and backup are littered with logic flaws; the stories don’t hold up to the era’s better work. Jim Aparo’s work is top shelf, though; his dynamism is perfect for Aquaman.
Title: “Mission Catch a Killer”
Synopsis: When a Martian dignitary is murdered, J’onn J’onzz decides the killer must be a member of the Justice League.
Writer: Denny O’Neil
Penciler: Michael Netzer (as Michael Nasser)
Inker: Terry Austin
Review: Either J’onn J’onzz’s detective skills are rusty or Denny O’Neil is off his game. Nice art, though a bit stiff.
Grade (for the entire issue): B
Second opinion: “Aquaman is in luck – Skeates and Aparo are together again!” – Martin Lock, Comics Unlimited #42, December 1976 … Included on Alan Brightmore’s “Individual Comics That You Should Not Be Without” list, from “A Consumer’s Guide to D.C. Comics, Part 2,” Comics Unlimited #51, October-November 1979. … “Nicely illustrated.” – The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide (second edition), 2003
Cool factor: Aparo! Nasser! Austin!
Collector’s note: According to, there is a Mark Jewelers variant of this issue.
Character quotable: “There’s more to this game than fighting with fish!” – Aquaman
Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on Feb. 3, 2010.