Review: Amazing Adventures #27 –

Review: Amazing Adventures #27

Amazing Adventures #27 cover
Cover by Jim Starlin

Amazing Adventures #27
Published and © by Marvel, November 1974

Title: “The Death Breeders”
Synopsis: Killraven and crew cross paths with Volcana Ash before coming under attack from the Death Breeders.

Writer: Don McGregor
Penciler: P. Craig Russell
Inker: Jack Abel

Review: And just like that, P. Craig Russell arrives and Killraven levels up. Russell’s work is still rough – and Jack Abel is definitely not the right inker for Russell’s delicate pencils – but there are already flashes of potential. Don McGregor continues to overwrite but also has strong moments here.


Title: “The Strangers”
Synopsis: An alien civilization comes to make first contact with Earth – but are they humanoid or robot?

Writer: Uncredited
Artist: Herb Familton

Review: This reprint from Journey into Unknown Worlds #47 is alright, but Killraven has earned this space. 

Grade (for the entire issue): B+

Second opinion: “3 out of 4 stars.” – Comics Buyer’s Guide #1655, July 2009 … “Over the course of a few issues, McGregor turned the science fiction strip upside down, transforming it from an adventure fantasy into an allegorical trip filled with symbolic characters and tortured angst. … But it wasn’t until Craig Russell joined him this issue that McGregor found his creative soulmate. … .”– Pierre Comtois, “Marvel Comics in the 1970s: An Issue By Issue Field Guide to a Pop Culture Phenomenon: Expanded Edition,” 2021

Cool factor: Welcome, PCR! (Though that’s a mighty fine Jim Starlin cover.)

Notable: First appearance of Volcana Ash.
Collector’s note: Beware, this issue contains a Marvel Value Stamp (Series A) #22 (Man-Thing). … According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 8p British variant of this issue. … According to, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable: “We’ll let his tears … wash away the rumors of his legends.” – The High Overlord, with Killraven on his mind

Editor’s note: This review was written Aug. 2, 2021.

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