Review: Astonishing Tales #29 –

Review: Astonishing Tales #29

Astonishing Tales #29
Cover by Gene Colan

Astonishing Tales #29
Published and © by Marvel, April 1975

Title: “Earth Shall Overcome!”
Synopsis: Four survivors on the run from the Badoon invasion join together to form the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Writer: Arnold Drake
Penciler: Gene Colon
Inker: Mike Esposito

Review: For regular readers of Astonishing Tales’ “Deathlok” serial, this fill-in issue reprinting the Guardians of the Galaxy’s debut must have been a shock. But this story – originally printed in 1968’s Marvel Super-Heroes #18 – shares some of the same dystopian DNA. In this dark future, the Earth and surrounding planets have been invaded by the monstrous Brotherhood of the Badoon. Like Deathlok, the series is tonally darker than the often-campy sci-fi fare of the Silver Age. Gene Colon might not seem like an obvious pick for a futuristic setting, but his moody pencils are a great fit for this story.

Grade: B

Cool factor: Hey there, Guardians of the Galaxy! 
Not-so-cool factor: Where art thou, Deathlok?

Notable: According to the Grand Comics Database, this reprint of “Earth Shall Overcome!” is missing four pages from its original publication.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 8p British variant of this issue. … According to, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable:Earth shall overcome – someday!!” – The Guardians of the Galaxy, moved to song

Editor’s note: This review was written Feb. 19, 2022.

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