
Review: Beware #1

Beware #1 cover
Cover uncredited

Beware #1
Published and © by Marvel, March 1973

Title: “The Werewolf Was Afraid!”
Synopsis: An accomplished hunter sets out after a werewolf, but his clever prey has other interests in mind (such as poetry!)

Writer: Uncredited
Artist: John Romita

Review: The relaxation of the Comics Code in the early 1970s led to a resurgence of horror offerings, and Marvel was quick to mine its archives to launch several reprint titles. This lead story, from 1953’s Menace #8, is fun but not particularly horrific, and offers early John Romita art.


Title: “Too Human to Live!”
Synopsis: The sole human worker at a factory seeks to escape his robot colleagues and overlords.

Writer: Uncredited
Penciler: Vic Carrabotta
Inker: Jack Abel

Review: This issue’s best story – from 1953’s Spellbound #16 –  offers sharp commentary on identity and the dehumanizing nature of industrialization.


Title: “On the Trail of the Witch!”
Synopsis: An inspector from a European village hunts a witch – but things don’t turn out so bad.

Writer: Uncredited
Penciler: Jack Kirby
Inker: Dick Ayers

Review: This simple tale from 1962’s Tales of Suspense #27 offers a typical EC-style twist with Jack “King” Kirby art.


Title: “Behind the Door”
Synopsis: A wealthy man invents a powerful “atom beam” that allows him to do almost anything – even challenge Death itself.

Writer: Uncredited
Artist: Joe Sinnott

Review: Another reprint from Spellbound #16, offering a mishmash of plot elements and interesting full art from legendary inker Joe Sinnott. 

Grade (for the entire issue): B

Cool factor: Some interesting early art from several Marvel legends. And “Too Human to Live!” is an excellent little story.

Character quotable: “I don’t intend to allow a bad-mannered Englishman to make me angry … you’re a cad.” – The Werewolf, a clever, cultured creature

Editor’s note: This review was written Oct. 21, 2023.

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