Review: Daredevil #138 –

Review: Daredevil #138

Daredevil #138 cover
Cover by Gene Colan and Tom Palmer

Daredevil #138
Published and © by Marvel, October 1976

Title: “Where is Karen Page?”
Synopsis: Daredevil comes to Los Angeles looking for Karen Page and ends up teaming with Ghost Rider against Death’s Head.

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Penciler: John Byrne
Inker: Jim Mooney

Review: As the first part of a crossover with Ghost Rider, Daredevil #138 is a nice little treat. Marv Wolfman provides a solid story, weaving together plot points and supporting characters from both series. The villains are a little generic, but both heroes are in fine form here. On the art side, this is a nice early outing from John Byrne. It’s very reminiscent of his Iron Fist work: full of potential, with storytelling that tries a little too hard at times. His pencils hold up well under Jim Mooney’s ink work.

Grade: B+

Cool factor: That would be the early John Byrne art, no?
Not-so-cool factor: The villains aren’t the best.

Notable: Story continues in Ghost Rider #20 (see review). … The “Let’s Level With Daredevil” letters page includes an LoC from comic-book historian Peter Sanderson.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 10p British variant of this issue. … According to, there is also a Mark Jewelers variant.

Character quotable: “Daredevil wants information. And I’ll get it from you – even if I have to dissect your brain to get it.” – Daredevil, a longtime proponent of enhanced interrogation techniques

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on April 12, 2010.

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