Review: Marvel Chillers #6 –

Review: Marvel Chillers #6

Marvel Chillers #6 cover
Cover by Rich Buckler and Mike Esposito

Marvel Chillers #6
Published and © by Marvel, August 1976

Title: “Soul Catcher”
Synopsis: Captured and framed by the Rat Pack, Tigra soon comes face-to-face with Red Wolf … and a surprise big bad!

Writer: Tony Isabella
Penciler: John Byrne
Inker: Frank Springer

Review: John Byrne’s early days at Marvel were a surprising delight, as he was assigned the random fill-in issue here and there. Imagine picking this gem up off the spinner rack back in the day! Byrne draws an excellent Tigra, and his pencils hold up well to Frank Springer’s often unsympathetic inks. Byrne’s storytelling has also made a leap from his earlier work at Charlton. Speaking of storytelling, Tony Isabella crafts a fine tale here, with Tigra’s first-person narration providing a noir-thriller feel. And the ending is a real shocker.  It’s a shame this creative team didn’t return next issue.

Grade: A-

Tigra, as drawn by John Byrne and Frank Springer in Marvel Chillers #6.

Cool factor: He might prefer the classic Marvel characters, but it could be argued John Byrne was born to draw Tigra.
Not-so-cool factor: The repeated use of “red” and “woman” slurs are jarring from the perspective of today’s social mores.

Notable: The “Tigra Tracks” letters page includes an LoC from future Marvel editor Ralph Macchio. … Includes one-page ads for Hostess Twinkies (“Captain America and the Red Skull”) and the G.I. Joe Super Adventure Team toys (“Bulletman, the Human Bullet”).

Collector’s note: According to The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, there is a 30¢ variant of this issue.

Character quotable:Compassion! How often has it undone you foolish Earthlings!” – Joshua Plague, revealing himself to be [no spoilers, please!]

Editor’s note: This review was written June 5, 2021.

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