Review: Rom #10 –

Review: Rom #10

Rom #10 cover
Cover by Michael Golden

Rom #10
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, September 1980

Title: “Warrior Over Washington!”
Synopsis: Rom heads to Washington, D.C., in a desperate effort to rescue his neutralizer from a Dire Wraith conspiracy!

Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Sal Buscema

Review: This transitional issue sees Rom leaving the small-town confines of Clairton County, West Virginia, to confront a larger Dire Wraith conspiracy in the nation’s capital. While this issue features a decent dollop of action – including a well-choreographed encounter between Rom and the U.S. Air Force – its main purpose is to move Rom to a new locale. Writer Bill Mantlo does introduce new tensions (a reporter learns of Rom’s existence and an ally is replaced by a Wraith), but the art here is a bit rough and the lettering subpar. Still, a solid outing hinting at better things to come.

Grade: B+

X-Men ad
A house ad for the new X-Men featuring Dave Cockrum art.

Cool factor: The interior earned this one a B, but it gets a plus for that gorgeous Michael Golden cover.

Notable: Includes an X-Men house ad by classic X-artist Dave Cockrum.

Character quotable: “Silas Lane’s the name, death’s my game.” – Silas Lane, Clairton County coroner (because that’s not creepy at all)

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Sequential Reaction (Vol. 1) on Feb. 29, 2016.

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