Review: Rom #15 –

Review: Rom #15

Rom #15 cover
Cover by Bob Layton

Rom #15
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, February 1981

Title: “A Wedding!”
Synopsis: Rom ally – and potential love interest – Brandy Clark prepares to wed the Dire Wraith who secretly replaced her fiancé. 

Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist: Sal Buscema

Review: No, Brandy, don’t do it! Anytime someone is asking herself, “Why do I feel like a calf on its way to the slaughter?” on the way down the aisle, it’s time to pull the plug on the wedding – even if the groom isn’t secretly a Dire Wraith! But this wedding issue is a strong one, upping this series’s emotional stakes while moving Rom’s battle against Wraiths into the open. An aside: Anyone who argues the Wraith plot to get at the spaceknight by marrying Brandy Clark is missing a key point: His feelings for that woman make Rom goofy!

Doctor Strange ad
A house ad for a never-released Doctor Strange run by Roger Stern and Frank Miller.

Grade: B+

Cool factor: Brandy is saved from marrying Dire Wraith Steve Jackson.
Not-so-cool factor: Human Steve Jackson is still a bit of a tool.

Notable: Includes a house ad announcing Roger Stern and Frank Miller as the new creative team for Doctor Strange; sadly this is never to be (check out Comic Book Legends Revealed for details).

Character quotable: “There are times when even a spaceknight must have … faith.” – Rom, full of grace

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Sequential Reaction (Vol. 1) on Oct. 24, 2016.

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