Rom #23
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, October 1981
Title: “The Thing From Outer Space!”
Synopsis: Hunted by the Army, Rom teams with Power Man and Iron Fist in an effort to reach the Baxter Building.
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist (penciler): Sal Buscema
Artist (finisher): Joe Sinnott
Review: Rom scribe Bill Mantlo has settled into a groove of comfortable competence with this series, stringing together several well-crafted issues in a row. It’s fun seeing a talented young writer coming into his own. And Mantlo’s storycraft is matched here by the art team of Sal Buscema and Joe Sinnott, two old pros who deliver solid, no-fuss-no-muss pages. To be clear, it’s unlikely Rom will ever be mistaken for high art. But its level of professionalism is a strength, especially when compared to the first part of this story in the not-quite-ready-for-prime-time Power Man and Iron Fist #73 (see review).
Grade: B
Cool factor: This series is finally evolving into the consistently fun romp Little Me enjoyed.
Not-so-cool factor: Al Milgrom’s run of covers leaves a lot to be desired (particularly on a series that had often showcased the striking work of Michael Golden and Frank Miller out front).
Notable: Guest-starring Power Man and Iron Fist, with cameo appearances by the Fantastic Four and several other Marvel heroes.
Character quotable: “Though they are few in number, their ability to disguise themselves as humans has allowed them to infiltrate your institutions. From positions of power, they are able to manipulate public policy.” – Rom, on a dire situation
Editor’s note: This review was written Jan. 23, 2025.