Rom #24
Published and © by Marvel and Rom © Parker Brothers, November 1981
Title: “No Place Like Home!”
Synopsis: Rom’s homeward-bound journey is interrupted by a layover on Xandar – and an epic battle with the shapeshifting Skrulls.
Writer: Bill Mantlo
Artist (penciler): Sal Buscema
Artist (finisher): Joe Sinnott
Review: Rom has been on the upswing during the back half of his second year, with stronger stories and deeper integration with the Marvel Universe. But Rom #24 is a step back. Multiple story threads from different titles bog this issue down with back story, and Rom – both character and title – feels the weight of the shared universe. There are also story-logic issues: Why the coincidental – and convenient – layover on Xandar? Why don’t the Skrulls take better strategic advantage of their Trojan-Horse scheme? And why don’t they use their shapeshifting powers in battle? Not awful, but recent issues have been better.
Grade: B-
Cool factor: Writer Bill Mantlo has a good handle on Nova.
Not-so-cool factor: So. Many. Story threads.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 20p British variant of this issue.
Character quotable: “An interesting thought: Can there be any link between the Skrulls and Wraithkind?” – Rom, with a thing that makes you go hmmm
Editor’s note: This review was written Jan. 24, 2025.