Spider-Man: Christmas in Dallas
Published and © by Marvel, 1983
Title: “Christmas in Dallas!”
Synopsis: In Dallas on a photo assignment, Peter Parker soon finds himself swinging into action to thwart the Kingpin’s Christmas plot.
Writer: Jim Salicrup
Penciler: Alan Kupperberg
Inker: Mike Esposito
Review: This reviewer always has such high hopes for these promotional comics. As they are fairly hard to come by, these issues are often a fresh read – and almost always a disappointment. Spider-Man: Christmas in Dallas is pretty typical of the type: A by-the-numbers Spider-Man plot accompanied by not-quite-journeyman-level art from the team of Alan Kupperburg and Mike Esposito. The only thing that really stands out with this one is the Kingpin, who is terribly out of character given the villain’s development during Frank Miller’s Daredevil run. All told, not one to add to the holiday wish list.
Grade: C-
Cool factor: As disappointing as these promotional comics can be, they retain an unquestionable bit of cool.
Not-so-cool factor: Kingpin disguised as Santa? Hard to imagine post-Miller.
Notable: This issue includes local advertising for the Dallas market. … Additional editorial content includes a pin-up, word search and “Bullpen Bulletins” from Jim Shooter.
Collector’s note: Listed in The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide as The Amazing Spider-Man: Christmas in Dallas. … According to MyComicShop.com, this was the fourth of five promotional Spider-Man comics issued by the Dallas Times Herald.
Character quotable: “Have no fear, Mr. Mudge – Santa is here!” – The Kingpin, undercover
Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on Dec. 17, 2012.