Review: Superboy #202 –

Review: Superboy #202

Superboy #202 cover
Cover by Nick Cardy

Superboy #202
Published and © by DC, May-June 1974

Title: “Lost: A Million Miles From Home!”
Synopsis: When their Legion Cruiser loses power, Shrinking Violet must figure out what happened to Colossal Boy.

Writer: Cary Bates
Penciler: Dave Cockrum
Inker: Mike Grell

Review: DC’s 100-Page Giants were almost always chockablock with interesting material, and this issue is no exception. While this lead story is slight, it features a rare collaboration between the two most important Legion artists of the early Bronze Age. A shoutout to outgoing penciler Dave Cockrum for his reinvigorating run.


Title: “The Legionnaire Who Killed!”
Synopsis: Star Boy faces a court-martial and possible expulsion from the Legion for killing a man in self-defense.

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciler: Curt Swan
Inkers: Sheldon Moldoff and George Klein

Review: Even during the Silver Age – this story is from Adventure Comics #342 –the Legion felt weighty because actions had repercussions.


Title: “The Super-Stalag of Space!”
Synopsis: The Legion races to rescue Brainiac 5 but soon join him as prisoners in Nardo’s cosmic concentration camps.

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciler: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Review: This reprint from Adventure Comics #344 features some promising concepts, but it’s hard to take a villain named Nardo seriously.


Title: “The Execution of Matter-Eater Lad!”
Synopsis: After several failed attempts, the Legion manages to escape Nardo’s prisons – but Matter-Eater Lad bears the weight of their victory.

Writer: Edmond Hamilton
Penciler: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Review: The conclusion of the “Super-Stalag of Space!” saga (this part from Adventure Comics #345) is undermined by a ridiculous conclusion.


Title: “The Wrath of the Devil-Fish!”
Synopsis: Wildfire joins the Legion of Super-Heroes while other members face an underwater challenge from the Devil-Fish.

Writer: Cary Bates
Artist: Dave Cockrum

Review: Dave Cockrum’s swan song as Legion artist features some of his strongest work on the title.


Title: “The Superboy of Bigville!”
Synopsis: A gangster’s complicated scheme involving blackmail and impersonation falls apart when the real Superboy gets involved.

Writer: Uncredited
Penciler: Curt Swan
Inker: George Klein

Review: This Silver Age story from Superboy #91 has too much silly for a Bronze Age Legion book.

Grade (for the entire issue): B+

Second opinion: “All good things must come to an end goes the cliché, and it was with deep regret that we saw Dave Cockrum’s last art  job in (Superboy) #202.” – Howard Stangroom, Comics Unlimited #39, September 1976 … Recommended by The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide (second edition), 2003.

Cool factor: Cockrum? Grell? A Legion 100-Page Giant? Oh, yeah!

Notable: Also includes four pages of “The Lore of the Legion!” featuring character bios with illustrations by Dave Cockrum. … According to the annual statement of ownership, Superboy had an average total paid circulation of  238,992 for the 12 months preceding Oct. 1, 1973.

Character quotable: “Doomsville is your destination, Matter-Eater Lad …” – Nardo (… yes, Nardo)

Editor’s note: This review was written March 19, 2023.

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