Review: The Avengers #145 –

Review: The Avengers #145

The Avengers #145 cover
Cover by Gil Kane and Dan Adkins

The Avengers #145
Published and © by Marvel, March 1976

Title: “The Taking of the Avengers!”
Synopsis: The Assassin targets Captain America – just the first step in a plot to take down all of the Avengers.

Writer: Tony Isabella with Scott Edelman
Penciler: Don Heck
Inker: John Tartaglione (as John Tartag)

Review: Talk about story interruptus. In the middle of the “Serpent Crown” storyline, the dreaded deadline doom derails The Avengers for not one but two issues. Tony Isabella does a remarkable job putting together a two-issue story that doesn’t feel like filler – even though that’s ultimately what it is. The writer has a nice feel for the Avengers, and there’s an emotional weight to this story that’s often missing from fill-in issues. The Assassin, despite the shockingly unoriginal name, also has some potential. Not as strong is the art of Avengers alum Don Heck, whose work doesn’t fit the Bronze aesthetic.

Grade: B

Second opinion: “A two-parter that would have been OK if it had appeared in The Avengers Annual.” – Richard Ashford, Comics Unlimited #44, June 1977

Cool factor: A classic Gil Kane cover.
Not-so-cool factor: Wait a minute … where’d George Pérez go?!?

Notable: According to “Avengers: Official Index to the Marvel Universe,” the story that appears in The Avengers #146-147 was originally scheduled to be Giant-Size Avengers #5.
Collector’s note: According to, there is a Mark Jewelers variant of this issue.

Character quotable: “Such a pity your last words couldn’t have contained a touch more grandeur, Captain.” – The Assassin (Last words? Captain America? Heh.)

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on July 30, 2009.

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