Review: The Cougar #1 –

Review: The Cougar #1

The Cougar #1 cover
Cover by Frank Thorne

The Cougar #1
Published and © by Atlas (Seaboard), April 1975

Title: “Vampires and Cougars Don’t Mix!”
Synopsis: When a real vampire causes trouble for a horror-movie crew, it’s up to the Cougar to save the day.

Writer: Steve Mitchell
Pencilers: Dan Adkins and Frank Springer
Inker: Springer

Review: As with many Atlas (Seaboard) comics, The Cougar somehow seems better than it actually is. Writer Steve Mitchell tries to find a hero in the midst of a B-horror story, but doesn’t quite succeed. The plot borders on silly, yet there’s also just a hint of something compelling. Two artists – Dan Adkins and Frank Springer – share penciling credit and the art is a bit inconsistent because of it. Still, the book has the look of a superhero-meets-horror comic circa the mid-70s, and that’s half the battle. Find the other half, and Atlas (Seaboard) could be on to something here.

Grade: B-

Second opinion: “Dull genre title about a stuntman who sees off a vampire … .” – The Slings & Arrows Comic Guide (second edition), 2003

Cool factor: The Cougar doesn’t really get cool until his second issue, but gets by here on the general Atlas aura.
Not-so-cool factor: Why exactly is the protagonist wearing a superhero costume when going out for beers with co-workers?

Character quotable: “That guy mistook you for Katya. That was the name of his favorite ladyfriend!” – Jeff “The Cougar” Rand (“that guy,” by the way, would by Baron Krolok, vampire)

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Comics Bronze Age on July 6, 2009.

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