Review: The Destructor #3 –

Review: The Destructor #3

The Destructor #3 cover
Cover by Larry Lieber

The Destructor #3
Published and © by Atlas (Seaboard), June 1975

Title: “In the Hands of the Huntress”
Synopsis: The Combine forces an imprisoned Destructor into a deadly game of cat and mouse with the Huntress.

Writer: Archie Goodwin
Artist: Steve Ditko

Review: Through three issues, The Destructor might be Atlas (Seaboard)’s most consistent title (see reviews of issues #1 and #2). Archie Goodwin had already settled into the role of consummate pro, delivering a sharp, done-and-one adventure that also builds out the Destructor’s world and cast. There’s nothing shockingly original here – it’s an Atlas (Seaboard) comic, after all – but its all good fun and rivals the better Marvel comics of the era. On the art side, Wally Wood’s inking is missed but Steve Ditko still delivers the goods (though its pretty clear there’s an uncredited inker in the mix).

Grade: B+

Cool factor: Wait. What? An Atlas (Seaboard) series that escaped the dreaded third-issue shuffle? That is cool!
Not-so-cool factor: Oh, those shameless knock-off characters. This Huntress is basically a kitbash of Kraven and Thundra.

Character quotable:Mistress, Destructor.” – The Huntress, no master she

Editor’s note: This review was written Feb. 11, 2025.

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