
Review: The New Teen Titans #7

The New Teen Titans #7 cover
Cover by George Pérez

The New Teen Titans #7
Published and © by DC, May 1981

Title: “Assault on Titans’ Tower!”
Synopsis: Our heroes return home from Trigon’s dimension to find Titans Tower under the control of the Fearsome Five.

Writer: Marv Wolfman
Penciler: George Pérez
Inker: Romeo Tanghal

Review: After an epic showdown with the evil Trigon (see review of The New Teen Titans #6), this issue is a bit of a letdown. The Fearsome Five – including Psimon, whose “painful eternity” lasted two issues – still aren’t compelling foes. There just isn’t a sense of real peril here, but it’s always fun to see George Pérez draw extended battle sequences. The last few pages – featuring the origin of Cyborg, the character’s reconciliation with his father and the answer to “Who built Titans Tower?” – feel both rushed and tacked on. Enjoyable, but the Wolfman/Pérez team hasn’t completely mastered things yet.

Grade: B

Titans Tower cutaway
Titans Tower, as drawn by George Pérez and Romeo Tanghal in The New Teen Titans #7.

Cool factor: This reviewer has always been a sucker for HQ cutaways.
Not-so-cool factor: Changeling’s dialogue. He’s a poor man’s Spider-Man without the inner monologue to balance the constant quips.

Notable: Origin of Cyborg.
Collector’s note: According to the Grand Comics Database, there is a 15p British variant of this issue.

Character quotable: “Mr. Logan, I was spouting one-liners even before you turned green with envy.” – Robin, reminding us the punny banter could be worse

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Sequential Reaction (Vol. 1) on Feb. 16, 2016.

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