Warlord #29
Published and © by DC, January 1980
Title: “Return of the Gladiator”
Synopsis: A group of gladiators once led to freedom by the Warlord have become the oppressors; Warlord isn’t having it.
Writer: Mike Grell
Penciler: Grell
Inker: Vince Colletta
Review: Another issue, another one-off battle. This story unironically explores themes of taking responsibility for one’s own actions – a lesson perhaps better learned from someone other than a protagonist who spends most issues on the run from the consequences of his choices! Mike Grell’s art continues to deliver, despite subpar inking.
Title: “Hound From Hell”
Synopsis: Mariah and Machiste battle a three-headed hellhound, then set off on a mission with their new wizard friend.
Writer: Mike Grell
Artist: Grell
Review: While the script is tonally different than the typical Warlord story, it’s Mike Grell’s inking that really elevates this backup.
Grade (for the entire issue): B
Cool factor: Mike Grell inking the backup feature. (Also, that’s a really nice cover!)
Not-so-cool factor: Vince Colletta still inking the lead feature.
Collector’s note: According to MyComicShop.com, there is a Mark Jewelers variant of this issue.
Character quotable: “It’s time you started taking responsibility for your own actions! That’s what freedom of choice is all about!” – Travis, unironic Warlord of Skartaris
Editor’s note: This review was written Feb. 22, 2024.