The Human Torch goes on a mission to clear the name of a deceased lowlife – and runs into Hammerhead instead! This fine solo outing for the Torch marks John Byrne’s second issue as writer/artist of the Fantastic Four.
READThe Torpedo relocates his family to Clairton, where he mistakenly comes to blows with the town’s Galadorian guardian, Rom. Writer Bill Mantlo delivers a professionally efficient script, with solid art support from journeymen Sal Buscema and Joe Sinnott.
READStorm, Kitty and friends head out for a night on the town and end up facing off against Caliban instead. This transition issue from the regular creative team of Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum and Joe Rubinstein delivers some excellent character moments.
READThe Terminator returns with a plan to deal with both H.I.V.E. and the New Teen Titans! Another strong issue with the Titans’ arch nemesis, from the classic creative team of Marv Wolfman and George Pérez.