
Review: Warlord #39

Warlord and Shakira investigate Atlantean ruins where they encounter ancient advanced technology – and impending doom! A mix of fantasy and sci-fi from Warlord creator Mike Grell, with an OMAC backup by Jim Starlin.


Review: Warlord #38

A boat from the outside world ventures into the dangerous waters of Skartaris, with the Warlord’s daughter, Jennifer, on board. Another solid issue by series creator Mike Grell, with some backup from Jim Starlin on a new OMAC tale.


Review: Warlord #36

When Warlord and Shakira stop in Bandakhar for horses, Morgan soon finds himself entangled with a beautiful girl named Karelle. It’s more of the same – and that’s not a bad thing – from series creator Mike Grell.


Review: Batman and the Outsiders #5

The Titans and Outsiders race to the Empire State Building to disrupt the Fearsome Five’s plot to takeover New York. A solid-but-unspectacular crossover conclusion from the regular Outsiders team of Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo (with a little help from Titan’s scribe Marv Wolfman).

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