In a future dystopia, a scientist grows a plant man to battle government tyranny – but things don’t end well! A weird kit bash of concepts from Michael Fleisher, ably illustrated by Al Milgrom and Jack Abel.
READJay Hunter’s criminal activities get his scientist father killed – but not before the old man helps him become a superhero. Archie Goodwin writes this debut issue, but it’s the art of Steve Ditko and Wally Wood that makes it a treat.
READEugene Lycosa lives with the curse of his ancestor, a count who stopped a tarantula cult at great personal cost. Starring a creepy “hero” who eats bad guys, Micheal Fleisher and Pat Boyette’s Weird Suspense is one of the better Atlas (Seaboard) debuts.
READSomeone is trying to sabotage an air-transport company – until the Scorpion and Miss Bishop put a stop to the shenanigans. An early gem from auteur comic-book creator Howard Chaykin.