
Review: Wolverine #4

After tearing his way through the Japanese underworld, Wolverine heads for an ultimate showdown with the criminal overlord Shingen. One of the first miniseries – by the creative superteam of Chris Claremont and Frank Miller – remains one of the all-time best.


Review: Superman #400

At different points throughout its future, humanity recalls legends of Superman, champion of “truth, justice and the American way.” This anniversary issues – featuring an all-star cast of artists and several strong short stories from Elliot S. Maggin – earns a rare A+ grade.


Review: The Uncanny X-Men #142

The X-Men battle the new Brotherhood of Evil Mutants in an effort to save Senator Kelly – and the future! The legendary X-Men creative team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin finish up their last great story together with a near-perfect issue.


Review: X-Men #137

Amid lunar ruins, the X-Men duel the Shi’ar Imperial Guard to determine the fate of the Phoenix. The classic X-Men team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin deliver one of the best comics of the Bronze era.


Review: X-Men #133

Wolverine makes a solo attempt to free the X-Men while Cyclops gambles on his and Jean’s “psychic rapport.” The X-Men’s descent into darkness continues, with an iconic issue from the team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.


Review: X-Men #132

After regrouping in New Mexico, the X-Men attempt to infiltrate a Hellfire Club gala; it does not go well. The thematic downward spiral of “The Dark Phoenix Saga” continues, thanks to another excellent chapter from X-legends Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.


Review: X-Men #131

Half of the team – plus Dazzler – races to rescue the remaining X-Men from the clutches of The Hellfire Club. “The Dark Phoenix Saga” continues to escalate with another strong outing from Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.


Review: X-Men #130

Half the team searches for Dazzler, unaware that the remaining X-Men have been ensnared by the Hellfire Club. Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin offer up another A+ outing – and they’re just getting started!


Review: X-Men #129

The X-Men are reunited with Professor X, then head off to find two new mutants – and the Hellfire Club! “The Dark Phoenix Saga” gets underway in earnest in this strong outing from the legendary X-Men creative team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin.