In the year 2018, a freeman named Killraven leads the fight against the Keepers and their Martian overlords. This uneven debut-by-committee includes work from Neal Adams, Roy Thomas, Howard Chaykin and more.
READA day at the beach gets complicated when E-Man crosses over to a dimension being threatened by a massive monster. Another strange-but-splendid outing from the team of Nicola Cuti and Joe Staton.
READLured into a trap at Banshee’s ancestral home, the X-Men battle Black Tom Cassidy and the Juggernaut. While a solid effort, this issue from Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum struggles with both pacing and suspension of disbelief.
READX-Men try to rescue X-Men but end up fighting … the X-Men? Sentinel shenanigans are afoot – perhaps with deadly consequences! Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum go all in for this celebratory 100th issue of X-Men.
READThis early indie from comics legend Wally Wood features a range of strips including the military thriller Cannon, The Misfits superteam, and the humorous, sexy Dragonella. An early precursor to the Bronze Age of comics.
READTarzan returns to save a safari hunter from beast and man – but is the hunter really who he says? Marvel takes over the Tarzan franchise from the Distinguished Competition, and, while not on par with the best Kubert issues, Roy Thomas and John Buscema do deliver an enjoyable debut issue.
READThe team tracks a radio signal to Vancouver, where they discover warring races of secret, underwater humanoids! Unclear storytelling by Joe GIll and John Byrne results in a mixed bag of Bronze Age fun.
READGiant cyborgs charged with maintaining galactic peace come to investigate the Earth – and initially find humanity wanting. Borrowing heavily from other sci-fi stories, this outing from Joe Gill and a young John Byrne still offers some fun.
READThe Vegan resistance, led by Tigorr and his Omegans, lay siege to the Citadel capital in a quest for freedom. A less-than-satisfying conclusion to the Citadel War storyline from Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen.
READTigorr, the new head of the Omega Men, leads a reckless-but-inspirational assault on the Citadel homeworld. Roger Slifer and Keith Giffen settle into a solid-but-not-spectacular groove.