A magazine editor’s search for the truth about how criminals are meeting their gruesome ends leads him to the Spectre. Michael Fleisher generates buzz with this gruesome-but-simple tale, which features gorgeous art from Jim Aparo.
READThe Creature Commandos are sent to investigate a South Pacific island, where they discover the War that Time Forgot! The lead feature by Mike W. Barr, Bob Hall and Jerry Ordway is decent, and this whole issue earns a B grade.
READA reluctant werewolf turns to Dr. Strongfort Stearn, AKA Mr. Monster, for protection from the Were-Devils Athletic Club. Canadian Golden Age character Mr. Monster gets a late-Bronze-Age remix in this fun debut issue from Michael T. Gilbert and William Messner-Loebs.
READThe Cyclops! Gorgolla! Gor-Kill! This debut issue of Where Monsters Dwell offers a trio of fun, Atlas-era reprint tales featuring art by Jack “King” Kirby and Dick Ayers.
READAs the X-Men spar at their temporary Bermuda Triangle island headquarters, Belasco beckons little Illyana Rasputin to Limbo. An odd, hurried outing from Chris Claremont and guest artist Brent Anderson.
READWhen Bruce Wayne gets pulled into a revolutionary conflict in Gotham’s Spanish section, Diana Prince goes undercover to help. This one offers typical Bob Haney fun with exceptional art from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READThe X-Men repair the Starjammer while Shi’ar hostages Nightcrawler and Kitty Pryde scheme to save the Earth from destruction. The specter of Dark Phoenix looms large in this issue from Chris Claremont, Dave Cockrum and Bob Wiacek.
READSpider-Man and the Hulk clash at Empire State University, but, wouldn’t you know it, the Hulk is really just misunderstood. Sal Buscema provides the art for this promotional giveaway, which is better than expected.
READWarlord gets involved in a local conflict between a group of golden-skinned pacifists and a neighboring, ogre-like tribe. Another solid done-in-one adventure from Mike Grell and Vince Colletta.
READWarlord must cross blades with his own son, who has been prematurely aged and is under the control of Deimos. This concluding chapter of Mike Grell’s latest storyline is solid but should pack more emotional punch.