
Review: Fantastic Four #236

The Fantastic Four wake to find themselves living normal lives in a tiny town — at the mercy of Doctor Doom! John Byrne delivers one of the best issues of his five-year run with this twentieth anniversary special, which also includes new material from creators Stan “The Man” Lee and Jack “King” Kirby.


Review: Beware #1

The relaxation of the Comics Code in the early 1970s led to a resurgence of four-color horror offerings. This all-reprint debut of Beware features art from the likes of Jack Kirby, John Romita and Joe Sinnott.


Review: The Best of DC #22

The fingerprints of Charles Dickens are all over this DC reprint digest, as the Victorian author’s classic tale serves as inspiration for more than one story. (Except for Jack Kirby’s Bronze Age Sandman adventure, of course, a story widely distributed for the first time in this issue.)


Review: Superman #400

At different points throughout its future, humanity recalls legends of Superman, champion of “truth, justice and the American way.” This anniversary issues – featuring an all-star cast of artists and several strong short stories from Elliot S. Maggin – earns a rare A+ grade.

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