
Review: Batman and the Outsiders #5

The Titans and Outsiders race to the Empire State Building to disrupt the Fearsome Five’s plot to takeover New York. A solid-but-unspectacular crossover conclusion from the regular Outsiders team of Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo (with a little help from Titan’s scribe Marv Wolfman).


Review: House of Secrets #93

As is often the case with DC’s Bronze Age horror titles, the art in this issue of House of Secrets is stronger than the stories. A Bernie Wrightson cover kicks off a strong lineup featuring work by Jim Aparo, Alex Toth, Nick Cardy and others.


Review: Adventure Comics #451

Topo the octopus runs off with Aquababy; Aquaman pursues, but winds up battling Starro the Conqueror instead. Weak villains bring down the story, written by David Michelinie, but the art by Jim Aparo is strong. (The J’onn J’onzz backup feature, drawn by Mike Netzer and Terry Austin, is pretty, too.)

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