Batman and Aquaman race to recover a mysterious underwater satellite that threatens to shift the global “balance of terror.” Penciler John Calnan joins Brave & the Bold regulars Bob Haney and Jim Aparo for this overstuffed affair.
READBatman and Wonder Woman team to foil a plot by Catwoman and the North African nation of Sudaria. A subpar outing from writer Bob Haney with typically superb art support from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READThe Titans and Outsiders race to the Empire State Building to disrupt the Fearsome Five’s plot to takeover New York. A solid-but-unspectacular crossover conclusion from the regular Outsiders team of Mike W. Barr and Jim Aparo (with a little help from Titan’s scribe Marv Wolfman).
READBatman goes undercover to stop Extortion, Inc., but discovers their enforcer is an amnesiac, lost-in-time Kamandi. Bob Haney’s story misfires a bit, but the art by Jim Aparo makes this issue a winner.
READBatman enlists Deadman in an investigation of a criminal enterprise – but will a ghostly romance get in the way? A surprisingly strong Deadman story from Bob Haney with typically amazing art from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READAs is often the case with DC’s Bronze Age horror titles, the art in this issue of House of Secrets is stronger than the stories. A Bernie Wrightson cover kicks off a strong lineup featuring work by Jim Aparo, Alex Toth, Nick Cardy and others.
READA magazine editor’s search for the truth about how criminals are meeting their gruesome ends leads him to the Spectre. Michael Fleisher generates buzz with this gruesome-but-simple tale, which features gorgeous art from Jim Aparo.
READWhen Bruce Wayne gets pulled into a revolutionary conflict in Gotham’s Spanish section, Diana Prince goes undercover to help. This one offers typical Bob Haney fun with exceptional art from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READWhen the Justice League’s very first foes reappear, new Leaguers must battle original members before the team can stand united against the threat. Gerry Conway’s story does its job, but the real treat here is the art of George Pérez, Jim Aparo, Joe Kubert and others.
READTopo the octopus runs off with Aquababy; Aquaman pursues, but winds up battling Starro the Conqueror instead. Weak villains bring down the story, written by David Michelinie, but the art by Jim Aparo is strong. (The J’onn J’onzz backup feature, drawn by Mike Netzer and Terry Austin, is pretty, too.)