A man falls hard for a woman who wipes out on a surfboard – but her mommy issues stand between them. Bronze Age romance comics prove even harder to follow than the superhero ones, but this issue features nice art by Alex Toth, Ernie Colón and others.
READThe Amazing Spider-Friends thwart a disgruntled ballet-wannabe-turned-supervillain, then take in a production of the Dallas Ballet Nutcracker. This weird promotional comic by Jim Salicrup, Jim Mooney and John Tartaglione is equal parts C-list Spidey story, Classics Illustrated and Fun & Games Magazine.
READAs Captain America lies dying, the rest of the Avengers find themselves the target of the Assassin’s evil plot. Tony Isabella brings his unexpectedly strong two-parter to a surprise conclusion (or two), with less-than-sterling art (mostly) from Don Heck.
READThe Assassin targets Captain America – just the first step in a plot to take down all of the Avengers. The first of two surprisingly strong fill-in issues by Tony Isabella, with less-than-exceptional art from Don Heck and John Tartaglione.