
Review: The Inhumans #7

The Inhumans take to the stars in search of a new home, but instead find danger on a dust-covered world. Writer Doug Moench takes this title in an interesting sci-fi direction, but the art from Gil Kane and Don Perlin isn’t quite up to par.


Review: Ghost Rider #20

Daredevil and Ghost Rider team to save Karen Page from Death’s Head/Death Stalker and his minion, the Smasher. The conclusion of this two-part story – which started in Daredevil #138 – is not nearly as strong, despite having the same writer (Marv Wolfman) and artist (John Byrne).


Review: X-Men #101

Jean Grey nearly dies saving the X-Men but becomes Phoenix instead … then the rest of the team goes on vacation. A mid-issue shift in plot keeps Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum’s debut of Phoenix from being a classic.