A local police chief wants the Brute dead. Wait. No. No, he doesn’t. Oh. Stop. Yes, he does. Also: supervillain. This final issue is a mess of stereotypes masquerading as a story, from the team of Gary Friedrich, Alan Weiss and Jack Abel.
READA primitive man searches for food – and meaning – with the help of his good friend, Stick. This simple story from underground legend Vaughn Bodé is an early masterpiece of the graphic-novel form.
READAn adaptation of James Tiptree Jr.’s “The Man Who Walked Home” leads off a collection of sci-fi short stories in this ground-level anthology edited by Dean Motter.
READA nuclear chain reaction blows the moon – and the inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha – out of orbit and into space! Nicola Cuti and Joe Staton team to do a solid job on this debut issue of a series based on the cult classic “Space: 1999” television series.
READA collection of poetic, sci-fi/fantasy-influenced shorts stories and illustrations by the least mainstream member of the legendary Studio, Jeffery Catherine Jones.
READAn assassin comes after the Southern Knight’s new benefactor, leading the team to bust a local drug operation. This first comic-book-sized issue of The Southern Knights is a major step down from their earlier outings. By Henry Vogel, Audrey Vogel, new artist Michael Morrison and others.
READTelevision’s Bionic Woman makes her way to comic books. Based on this uncredited stink bomb, that might not be a good thing.
READThis legendary “ground-level” series gets off to a great start with work by a star-studded cast of artistic talent, including Howard Chaykin, Jim Starlin, Walter Simonson and others.
READA new generation of the Strikeforce team suffers a tragic blow during its showdown with Contessa Del Marco. A not-quite-ready-for-prime-time outing from future pros Fred Schiller and Tom Morgan.
READWhen the daughter of a Cynosure politician commits suicide, her mother hires Grimjack to find out why. An impressive debut issue from the team of John Ostrander and Timothy Truman.