While the Guardians of the Galaxy are stranded in the 20th century, Vance Astro attempts to rewrite his own history. A subpar time-travel story from the duo of Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio. but Ron Wilson’s art gets a boost from the detailed inks of Gene Day.
READThe Rudyardan ambassador demands help from Black Panther and the Avengers in protecting the white-nationalist nation’s embassy staff. A fun-but-messy affair from the creative team of Steve Englehart, Bob Brown and Dave Cockrum.
READSpider-Man is zapped while breaking up a bank robbery and wakes to find himself imprisoned next to the Frankenstein Monster. What sounds like a comic with some monstrous potential turns out to be a ho-hum affair from the creative team of Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta.
READMorbius and the Thing go from fighting each other to tangling with the Living Eraser, winding up in Dimension Z. All told, a pretty awful outing from Bill Mantlo, Arvell Jones and Dick Giordano.
READThe inability to secure a bank loan sends the Crusader (né Marvel Boy) on a ferocious rampage seeking vengeance. Unfortunately, there isn’t a likable character to cheer for in this off-putting outing from the team of Roy Thomas, George Pérez and Joe Sinnott.
READA high-school student’s death makes the citizens of Citrusville crazier than usual – and draws Man-Thing to town! The lead story hasn’t aged well, but strong art on the backup features – including a Howard the Duck tale drawn by Frank Brunner – help make this issue a winner.