Rom finds himself captive within Project Safeguard, a national alien-research facility secretly under the control of the Dire Wraith! Another above-average story from writer Bill Mantlo, though the art from Sal Buscema isn’t as strong.
READStill trying to return to his present, Spider-Man ends up in another dystopian future – Deathlok’s 1990 New York! Bill Mantlo brings his time-travel six-parter to a close with this serviceable done-in-one, drawn by the team of Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito.
READOn his return from the past, Spider-Man somehow gets sidetracked to 2019 — and the Martian-controlled world of Killraven! Bill Mantlo follows up his multi-part, Salem-witch-trial epic with this enjoyable done-in-one, again illustrated by Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito.
READSpider-Man, Vision and the Scarlet Witch find themselves teamed with Doctor Doom to battle the Dark-Rider – in Salem, 1692! Bill Mantlo delivers his strongest chapter yet, again ably assisted by the art team of Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito.
READTrapped in 1692 Salem, the Scarlet Witch, Vision and Spider-Man battle crazed mobs, Cotton Mather and the mysterious Dark-Rider. Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito deliver another strong chapter of their time-travel, team-up epic.
READCotton Mather uses Doctor Doom’s time machine to bring the Scarlet Witch to Salem of 1692 – for a burning! This opening chapter to a six-part, Bill-Mantlo-penned epic is crazy fun, with solid art from the team of Sal Buscema and Mike Esposito.
READIn 3014 A.D., the Thing and Captain America team with the Guardians of the Galaxy to liberate the Earth. A rushed conclusion to a two-part tale by Steve Gerber and Sal Buscema.
READAfter babysitting Wundarr, the Thing teams with Captain America and soon finds himself fighting the Badoon in the far-flung future. This Steve Gerber story is a bit of a mess, with solid-but-unspectacular art support from Sal Buscema and Frank Giacoia.
READRom heads to Washington, D.C., in a desperate effort to rescue his neutralizer from a Dire Wraith conspiracy! This transitional issue by the regular Rom team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema is a solid read, but hints of better things to come.
READThe last survivor of a race of mutated reptiles massacred by the Dire Wraiths battles should-be-ally Rom. A surprisingly poignant piece of retconning from regular scribe Bill Mantlo, with typically solid support from “Our Pal” Sal Buscema.