
Review: Rom #4

Rom battles human-turned-spaceknight Firefall while potential love-interest Brandy Clark tries to escape from Dire Wraiths. A solid-but-not-spectacular outing from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.


Review: Rom #3

Rom continues to search out Dire Wraiths on Earth – and uncovers a plot to free his mortal enemies from Limbo! Despite a new character who is a bit unbelievable, this third issue from the team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema is another solid offering.


Review: Rom #2

Rom continues to find Dire Wraiths embedded throughout West Virginia – including those working on a lethal laser project. Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema deliver a solid second issue, but one that lacks the punch of this series’ strong debut.


Review: Rom #1

Rom, greatest spaceknight of Galador, brings his centuries-old battle against the Dire Wraiths to Earth. Writer Bill Mantlo and artist Sal Buscema team on the strong debut of this chronically underrated series.


Review: Marvel’s Greatest Comics #40

The Fantastic Four joins the Black Panther in a battle to repel an invasion of Wakanda by Klaw. Much of Wakandan mythos is already present in this reprint of the Black Panther’s second appearance. From legendary Marvel Age co-founders Stan “The Man” Lee and Jack “King” Kirby.


Review: Marvel Team-Up #37

Spider-Man and the Frankenstein Monster team to stop Monster Maker Baron Ludwig von Shtupf – but Man-Wolf stands in the way! A weirdly unsatisfying conclusion to a monster-themed two-parter by Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta.


Review: Marvel Team-Up #36

Spider-Man is zapped while breaking up a bank robbery and wakes to find himself imprisoned next to the Frankenstein Monster. What sounds like a comic with some monstrous potential turns out to be a ho-hum affair from the creative team of Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta.


Review: Giant-Size Defenders #1

Clea’s efforts to reveal the Defender’s past to Valkyrie reintroduces the team to past perils. This Giant-Size outing features classic Golden and Silver age work from the likes of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Bill Everett and Steve Ditko, along with a gorgeous framing sequence penciled by Jim Starlin.