Rom battles human-turned-spaceknight Firefall while potential love-interest Brandy Clark tries to escape from Dire Wraiths. A solid-but-not-spectacular outing from the regular Rom creative team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema.
READRom continues to search out Dire Wraiths on Earth – and uncovers a plot to free his mortal enemies from Limbo! Despite a new character who is a bit unbelievable, this third issue from the team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema is another solid offering.
READRom continues to find Dire Wraiths embedded throughout West Virginia – including those working on a lethal laser project. Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema deliver a solid second issue, but one that lacks the punch of this series’ strong debut.
READRom, greatest spaceknight of Galador, brings his centuries-old battle against the Dire Wraiths to Earth. Writer Bill Mantlo and artist Sal Buscema team on the strong debut of this chronically underrated series.
READThe Fantastic Four joins the Black Panther in a battle to repel an invasion of Wakanda by Klaw. Much of Wakandan mythos is already present in this reprint of the Black Panther’s second appearance. From legendary Marvel Age co-founders Stan “The Man” Lee and Jack “King” Kirby.
READNow insane, the Captain America and Bucky of the 1950s plot to capture the real Cap and girlfriend Sharon Carter. Steve Englehart does a great job bringing the 1950s Cap into the Bronze Age, with solid art support from Sal Buscema.
READSpider-Man and the Frankenstein Monster team to stop Monster Maker Baron Ludwig von Shtupf – but Man-Wolf stands in the way! A weirdly unsatisfying conclusion to a monster-themed two-parter by Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta.
READSpider-Man is zapped while breaking up a bank robbery and wakes to find himself imprisoned next to the Frankenstein Monster. What sounds like a comic with some monstrous potential turns out to be a ho-hum affair from the creative team of Gerry Conway, Sal Buscema and Vince Colletta.
READClea’s efforts to reveal the Defender’s past to Valkyrie reintroduces the team to past perils. This Giant-Size outing features classic Golden and Silver age work from the likes of Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Bill Everett and Steve Ditko, along with a gorgeous framing sequence penciled by Jim Starlin.
READTigra recruits the Thing’s help in her battle against a “null-band”-empowered villain known as the Cougar. An utterly average, mid-Bronze-Age outing from the creative team of Bill Mantlo, Sal Buscema and Don Heck.