Warlord goes through the motions and OMAC is pressed into backup duty in this solid-but-unspectacular issue from Bronze Age legends Mike Grell and Jim Starlin.
READRom heads to Washington, D.C., in a desperate effort to rescue his neutralizer from a Dire Wraith conspiracy! This transitional issue by the regular Rom team of Bill Mantlo and Sal Buscema is a solid read, but hints of better things to come.
READBatman declares war on the mysterious villain who has been stalking him – but all is not as it seems. Len Wein’s ending for this miniseries doesn’t quite work, but Jim Aparo’s art keeps the quality high.
READAmid lunar ruins, the X-Men duel the Shi’ar Imperial Guard to determine the fate of the Phoenix. The classic X-Men team of Chris Claremont, John Byrne and Terry Austin deliver one of the best comics of the Bronze era.