Superman struggles to protect blind medium Cassandra Craft from the twin terror of Dracula and the Frankenstein Monster. Despite its potential, this horror-infused outing from Len Wein, Paul Levitz, Curt Swan and Frank Chiaramonte ultimately falls flat.
READAt different points throughout its future, humanity recalls legends of Superman, champion of “truth, justice and the American way.” This anniversary issues – featuring an all-star cast of artists and several strong short stories from Elliot S. Maggin – earns a rare A+ grade.
READReturning from an interstellar mission, Superman finds himself trapped on an Earth where everyone has changed sexes. This lightweight relic from Martin Pasko and Curt Swan isn’t bad, but it’s not very entertaining, either.
READCarol Ferris mistakenly thinks Superman has murdered Green Lantern, so she takes the Man of Steel as her slave. This twisted tale of superkink is brought to you by Cary Bates, Curt Swan and Murphy Anderson.
READSuperman finds himself going toe to toe with Captain Thunder, a Captain Marvel analogue turned inexplicably evil. This outing from Elliot S. Maggin, Curt Swan and Bob Oksner never quite escapes its own oddness.