Batman and Aquaman race to recover a mysterious underwater satellite that threatens to shift the global “balance of terror.” Penciler John Calnan joins Brave & the Bold regulars Bob Haney and Jim Aparo for this overstuffed affair.
READBatman and Wonder Woman team to foil a plot by Catwoman and the North African nation of Sudaria. A subpar outing from writer Bob Haney with typically superb art support from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READBatman goes undercover to stop Extortion, Inc., but discovers their enforcer is an amnesiac, lost-in-time Kamandi. Bob Haney’s story misfires a bit, but the art by Jim Aparo makes this issue a winner.
READBatman enlists Deadman in an investigation of a criminal enterprise – but will a ghostly romance get in the way? A surprisingly strong Deadman story from Bob Haney with typically amazing art from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READWhen Bruce Wayne gets pulled into a revolutionary conflict in Gotham’s Spanish section, Diana Prince goes undercover to help. This one offers typical Bob Haney fun with exceptional art from Bat-legend Jim Aparo.
READNeeding help infiltrating a gang of criminal runaways, Batman asks Robin to call the Teen Titans back together. Typically goofy B&B fun from Bob Haney, with typically excellent B&B art from Jim Aparo.
READTerrorists seize control of weapons of mass destruction? Thank Rao Batman and Supergirl are there to save the day. Cary Burkett delivers a tight done-in-one tale, nicely illustrated by the late, great Jim Aparo.
READBatman teams with a down-on-his-luck Plastic Man to crack a tobacco-smuggling ring and return a Christmas display to Gotham. This holiday outing from Bob Haney, Joe Staton and Jim Aparo is a mixed bag, but ultimately quite enjoyable.
READThe Young Aquarians team with Batman and the Teen Titans to defend a neighborhood from the establishment and the mob. A dated – make that VERY dated – story from Bob Haney, with great art from Bat-art-legends Jim Aparo and Neal Adams.
READBatman teams with Dove to rescue Hawk, who is in trouble following the death of a drug dealer’s son. A fitting farewell to Hawk and Dove (who would later be brought back, of course), from the team of Alan Brennert and Jim Aparo.