Warlord visits old friend Aram al Ashir as the thief-turned-king dreads a pending marriage of political convenience. Mike Grell’s Warlord shows signs of taking it to another level.
READWarlord and Shakira investigate Atlantean ruins where they encounter ancient advanced technology – and impending doom! A mix of fantasy and sci-fi from Warlord creator Mike Grell, with an OMAC backup by Jim Starlin.
READA boat from the outside world ventures into the dangerous waters of Skartaris, with the Warlord’s daughter, Jennifer, on board. Another solid issue by series creator Mike Grell, with some backup from Jim Starlin on a new OMAC tale.
READWarlord goes through the motions and OMAC is pressed into backup duty in this solid-but-unspectacular issue from Bronze Age legends Mike Grell and Jim Starlin.
READWhen Warlord and Shakira stop in Bandakhar for horses, Morgan soon finds himself entangled with a beautiful girl named Karelle. It’s more of the same – and that’s not a bad thing – from series creator Mike Grell.
READWarlord’s return journey from Wizard World takes an unexpected detour through a world ruled by chance – and the comics’ creative team. A fun meta-adventure from Mike Grell, with a shoutout to editor Jack C. Harris.
READAn enchanted sword transports Warlord back in time to Wizard World where he is reunited with Mariah and Machiste. A fun outing from writer/artist Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta.
READThe Warlord and his latest scantily clad ally, Shakira, are attacked by a race of predatory hawkmen. It’s more of the same from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta – and that’s not a bad thing.
READWarlord is imprisoned in a land ruled by Titans and – shocker – has to fight his way out of an arena. It’s more of the same – plus the introduction of cat-woman Shakira – from creator Mike Grell and inker Vince Colletta.
READWarlord’s journey home to Shamballah is once again interrupted, this time by wild dogs, trolls and a demon bird. Another by-the-books, swords-and-sorcery one-off from the team of Mike Grell and Vince Colletta.