Review: The Legion of Super-Heroes #285 –

Review: The Legion of Super-Heroes #285

The Legion of Super-Heroes (1980) #285 cover
Cover by Pat Broderick and Romeo Tanghal

The Legion of Super-Heroes #285
Published and © by DC, March 1982

Title: “Night Never Falls on Nullport”
Synopsis: While visiting the Nullport space station to pick up a new cruiser, the Legion uncover a Khundian plot.

Writer: Paul Levitz
Penciler: Pat Broderick
Inker: Bruce Patterson

Review: Pat Broderick is an above-average Bronze Age artist but he never seemed at home on The Legion of Super-Heroes. Generic tech and lackluster character design undermine otherwise solid work. And it’s especially noticeable when compared to Keith Giffen’s Legion art, which debuts in this issue’s backup tale.


Title: “The Forgotten Future”
Synopsis: Dream Girl returns to her homeworld to investigate why the Naltorians have lost their future-casting powers.

Writer: Paul Levitz
Penciler: Keith Giffen
Inker: Larry Mahlstedt

Review: It’s a subdued start for one of the era’s best creative teams, but their penchant for world-building is already apparent.

Grade (for the entire issue): B+

Cool factor: Welcome to the 30th century, Keith Giffen!

Notable: First Keith Giffen LoSH art.

Character quotable: “I shall pray to Cassandra that she bring us salvation.” – The High Seer of Naltor (who shouldn’t have worried – Dream Girl’s got this)

A word from the writer: “Keith became my primary contributor and we found ourselves in creative harmony as only happens in the rarest moment for comics writers and artists: Despite different styles, tastes, and approaches to our work, we bounced ideas back and forth in a constant ‘can you top this’ … and had a ball.” – Paul Levitz, from the introduction to “The Legion of Superheroes: The Great Darkness Saga” collection, 2010

Editor’s note: This review was originally published by Sequential Reaction (Vol. 1) on April 5, 2016.

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